( 360.24ahz.com) -
A collective silence settled over City Hall this morning among those who hoped the United States would win a bid to host the 2022 World Cup and that some of the games would come to Dallas.
The announcement came just after 9:30 a.m. that Qatar will host the games.
Mayor Tom Leppert and co-chairs of the Dallas bid committee said they were disappointed by the tangled process that led to Qatar's win.
But they agreed that Dallas, and the U.S., put its best foot forward.
"The United States as a whole did a fabulous job," said Jim Graham, co-chair of the bid committee and an instrumental part of bringing the games to Dallas in 1994.
The U.S. received the highest possible score for its bid, and Dallas was praised as the best U.S. city among the five included in the bid, Graham said.
In the end that wasn't enough, and concerns about the way host countries are selected was on many people's minds at City Hall.
"There's a lot of vote-switching," Graham said, referring to deal-making among FIFA voters.
"What goes on behind the scenes, that was beyond our control," he said.
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Score: 0
10:22 AM on December 2, 2010
Didn't a bunch of FIFA executives just get busted for corruption and taking bribes when awarding exclusive advertising contracts?
Score: 1
10:15 AM on December 2, 2010
funny- "What goes on behind the scenes, that was beyond our control"- thats how the Dallas taxpayers feel about the city council.
Score: 1
10:12 AM on December 2, 2010
Well just perhaps the city betters should control themselves and FOCUS on living within their budget of 2.75 BILLION dollars (2010) and not squandering tax payer monies like they always do. They (the city council and staff) just can’t control themselves when they have the taxpayers on the hook for all their spending. They need to be accountable and responsible (both words that are foreign to them).
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